For example, it is not possible to first send a custom keyboard along with a message, and then edit the message to use an inline keyboard. Telegram provides two types of reply markup: Custom keyboards and Inline keyboards. See examples of different types of buttons, parameters and options. This object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard. Aug 29, 2021 · You mean you have to click /request_button once before any of the inline keyboard buttons are handled? If so, that's expected since without sending /request_button the conversation has not started and thus the SELECTING_COMMAND: [CallbackQueryHandler(InlineKeyboardHandler)] handler will never be invoked since the conversation is not in the SELECTING_COMMAND state (by the way, you might want to My bot sends a pick with 2 inline callback buttons: like / dislike. Inline Keyboards Revisit the inline keyboard section in the Telegram Bot Features written by the Telegram team. The keyboard is getting displayed instead of normal qwerty one. InlineKeyboardMarkup (inline_keyboard, *, api_kwargs = None) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. May 11, 2022 · This example should. You can use inline keyboards for this type of cases. where you can choose "Edit Bot" and get the new corresponding menu Apr 6, 2019 · How to Create an Intelligent Telegram Bot with Python and ChatGPT In this tutorial, I’ll walk through the process of creating a Telegram bot that uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT to respond to user messages. Python inline keyboard pagination for Telegram Bot API - ksinn/python-telegram-bot-pagination Inline Keyboard Example 1, Inline Keyboard Example 2, telegram. At the moment in some way I figure out I need to separate to a function to trigger the keyboard, a function to get the inline keyboard reply and a function to run the searching. May 28, 2019 · Looking for json payload to create inline_keyboard with multiple InlineKeyboardButton on the same row. Parameters: text (str) – Label text on the button. Introduction; Basic Tutorial 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. Installation. message["reply_markup"]["inline_keyboard"]: for second_level in first_level: if second_level["callback_data"] == key: return second_level["text"] Type:. construct(someArgs) method you can recreate it 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. 14 Press Ctrl-C on the command line or send a signal to the process to stop the 15 bot. Welcome to Pyrogram tutorial series. Telegram Keyboard layout/commands. Otherwise None; keyboard - inline keyboard markup if the result is not ready. user_id (int, optional) – User id, for links to the user profile. After that with the keyboard. 6 7 This Bot uses the Application class to handle the bot. def get_clicked_button_text(query): key = query. inline_query. Jun 8, 2023 · Learn how to create inline keyboard buttons in Telegram bot using the aiogram framework. switch_inline_query (str, optional) – If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field A more complex example about inline keyboards, callback queries and message editing. Telegram apps that receive the message will display your keyboard to the user. Send /start to initiate the conversation. class telegram. As you can see below, you create a calendar and add it to a message with a reply_markup parameter and then you can process it in a callbackqueyhandler method Jun 16, 2020 · In python telegram bot, is it possible for an InlineKeyboardButton to send a command like /cancel when it is pressed?. How to show telegram bot inline keyboard button with safe url. InlineKeyboardMarkup Changed in version 20. Within this library, the InlineKeyboardMarkup class is particularly useful for creating custom keyboard layouts that can be displayed within inline queries. If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field. Number of buttons in the keyboard: i + 1. The simplest telegram keyboard can be created like this: menu = ["spam", "eggs", "ham"] keyboard = Keyboa (items = menu) bot. I'm still stuck with custom keyboard and its syntax. text¶. add_handler (CommandHandler 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. 9 10 Usage: 11 Example of a bot-user conversation using ConversationHandler. InlineKeyboardBuilder (markup: List [List [InlineKeyboardButton]] | None = None) [source] # Inline keyboard builder inherits all methods from generic builder 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. When you press them, they sends the value as a new message. showcase both inline & reply keyboard buttons for starting the web app; showcase how to set the menu button to open the web app; include a minimal website that can be used for the example, i. Aug 19, 2018 · Firstly, you should use InlineKeyboardMarkup instead of ReplyKeyboardMarkup to craete the markup object made of InlineKeyboardButtons. class telegram. keyboard. This is the function to display the options (or subjects in this case) in the first place One of the coolest things about Telegram Bot API are the new custom keyboards. basicConfig(level=logging. KeyboardButton (text, request_contact = None, request_location = None, request_poll = None, web_app = None, request_chat = None, request_users = None, *, api_kwargs = None) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. Step #1: Implement the exchange rates requests. 8 Currently only showcases starting the WebApp Inline Keyboard# class aiogram. CallbackQuery (id, from_user, chat_instance, message = None, data = None, inline_message_id = None, game_short_name = None, *, api_kwargs = None) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. Updater(API_KEY Nov 23, 2016 · Yes, you can update (edit) the current message text with the selection that the user made, this is a simple quick visual feedback to the user as he /she interacts with your inline buttons. answer() 72 keyboard = [ 73 [ 74 InlineKeyboardButton("1", callback_data=str(ONE)), 75 InlineKeyboardButton("2", callback_data=str(TWO)), 76 ] 77 ] 78 reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) 79 # Instead of sending a new message, edit the message that 80 # originated the This example will show you how to send normal and inline keyboards (as bot). Can be empty, in which case just the bot’s username will be inserted. Parameters: keyboard (List[List[str | telegram. InlineKeyboardButton# class telegram. Dec 3, 2023 · Introduction. 2. chat_id, 'TEST', reply_markup=reply_markup). Telegram currently supports seven different ways of launching Mini Apps: the main Mini App from a profile button, from a keyboard button, from an inline button, from the bot menu button, via inline mode, from a direct link – and even from the attachment menu. When someone use the inline keyboard it will sent the new message rather than editing the old message. x; python-telegram-bot library 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. How we can push data from array to InlineKeyboardMarkup? A more complex example about inline keyboards, callback queries and message editing. KeyboardButton | str]) – The button to use in the markup. For instance, you have a general bot menu . Hey, this wiki page will walk you through the inline keyboard example found here. Our examples section contains several examples that showcase the different features of both the Bot API and python-telegram-bot. Python 3. If the button was attached to a message sent via the bot (in inline mode), the field inline_message_id will be present. Jun 16, 2016 · Step 1: Send user a message with ReplyKeyboardMarkup with few buttons (for example ["Yes", "No"]); Step 2: If user click one of the buttons (for example "Yes") I want to display a message with inline keyboard and hide the buttons sent at step 1. Not that message. This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. Telegram bots have a deep linking mechanism that allows additional parameters to be passed to the bot on startup. Sep 11, 2017 · Telegram's inline keyboard is a great feature with lots of different use cases. send_message(query. 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. 0: web_app is considered as well when comparing objects of this type in terms of equality. Support me on Apr 17, 2021 · Click Here to see the flowchart I need some help with my Telegram bot. This is a free & open source telegram bot for downloading tracks, albums or playlists from spotify. 9 10 Usage: 11 Example of a bot-user conversation using nested ConversationHandlers. constants import ParseMode 23 from Apr 26, 2017 · I'm trying to write up a Telegram bot from scratch using Python and Flask, without existing libraries, for learning sake. It could be a command that launches the bot – or an authentication token to . g. KeyboardButton objects. In this Telegram bot tutorial, I’m going to create a Python chatbot with the help of pyTelegramBotApi library. 8 Then, the bot is started and runs until we press Ctrl-C on the command line. Sample bots @youtube – Shows a 'Sign in to YouTube' button, then suggests personalized results. Dec 30, 2020 · I was developing a bot in python-telegram-bot framework and as on last stage i added some inline keyboard buttons for navigating from start message to other messages like help message or about message And it worked . 1. telegram. glance() works on any type of messages. ReplyKeyboardRemove (selective: bool = False, **_kwargs) ¶ Bases: telegram. InlineKeyboardButton (* args, ** kwargs) [source] # Bases: telegram. The following code is working but creates 1 button per row. Read more: how to develop an API: a comprehensive guide. When you press a button on the inline keyboard, it says “Got it”. resize_keyboard (bool, optional) – Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e. InlineKeyboardButton (* args, ** kwargs) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. 14 Send /start to initiate the Dec 8, 2021 · The user interacts with my Telegram bot using an Inline Keyboard. Record all button clicks and edit the message which contains your inline keyboard. { "telegram": { "text": "P Mar 24, 2023 · Use the InlineKeyboardMarkup class to make an inline keyboard in a Telegram chat with Python. Inline buttons are added as a list of items like this: inline_keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="button", Apr 30, 2021 · I am reading the documentation, and while . Example with python-telegram-bot. This method allows you to send a message, photo, or other file, along with an optional inline keyboard and caption. Learn more Explore Teams switch_inline_query_chosen_chat (telegram. May 17, 2022 · I want to create a custom keyboard in telegram bot. May 22, 2021 · the code calls the usual keyboard, besides, when you click on it, it does not transfer to the link. It's in a telegram channel. I'm not being able to show any information with the code I have. 5. Installation pip install python-telegram-bot-pagination Usage 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # pylint: disable=unused-argument 3 # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. Python Telegram bot api. WebAppInfo. Usage. Any attempt in sending keyboards with a user account will be simply ignored by the server. ReplyKeyboardRemove (selective = None, *, api_kwargs = None) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. Button render controlling. CalendarIT Bot by CodeByZen. message_handler(commands=['inline']) async def show_items(message: types. Oct 16, 2021 · A minimal keyboard. 13 Press Ctrl-C on the command line or Apr 24, 2021 · I'm trying to make a telegram bot that will interface with an IoT system i'm developing. Python - custom keyboard for Telegram bot. KeyboardButton]]) – Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of telegram. The function must return either an array of buttons or another keyboard. Can anyone show me the right method with a simple example? Starting from here: Aug 28, 2020 · I'm trying to create a menu where users pick an option and some text with information is shown. types package in Python provides a range of types and classes suitable for building and manipulating Telegram bots. user_data feature of python-telegram-bot as it is shown below. Two objects of this class are considered equal, if their the size of inline_keyboard and all the buttons are equal. Mar 29, 2020 · I use Python telegram bot API for my bot. 13 Press Ctrl-C on the command line or Jun 14, 2021 · you can't retrive callback. , make the keyboard smaller if there are just two rows of buttons). Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when button is pressed, 1-64 bytes. Optional. example : kbd_layout = [['reaction', 'video'], ['image', 'joke'],['random']] result: Feb 16, 2022 · How to set the inline keyboard in Telegram chatbot to other function in python-telegram-bot? 2. Applies different text transformations. I am not familiar with inline keyboard. After a user clicks on like or dislike button, I want this inline keyboard to disappear. . Feb 23, 2024 · This article will guide you through setting up a multiselection inline keyboard for a Telegram bot using Python, explaining its utility along the way. 8 First, a few callback functions are defined as callback query handler. Create a PayPal payment link with the PayPal API . You can only assign callback to buttons and telegram will run this callback when you press button. You need to JSON. sendMessage() method has reply_markup argument, where you can pass the inline keyboard, media group (album, few files together, etc) doesn't have such an Oct 20, 2017 · My Telegram bot needs to send messages to channel and provide inline keyboard for every message, it looks like this: inline message keyboard I need to react on this keyboard button click event, bu Once done, you can use an inline keyboard with a switch_inline_query button to send the user back to the original chat. Parameters A more complex example about inline keyboards, callback queries and message editing. Just give it the flavor. The function parameter is an integer, for example i. In the part 2 I will show you how to make reply keyboards and in Return a ReplyKeyboardMarkup from a single row of KeyboardButtons. User clients receiving such a constructor should display a special keyboard with custom reply options. This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. Then, you probably should simply use the bot object to send the message with bot. Python Telegram Bot. url¶. A full working example on how to use telegram-calendar-keyboard is provided in bot_example. InlineQueryHandler (callback, pattern = None, block = True, chat_types = None) [source] ¶ Bases: telegram. Optionally based on a regex. Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will remove the current custom keyboard and display the default letter-keyboard. Contribute to eternnoir/pyTelegramBotAPI development by creating an account on GitHub. Tuple[Tuple[telegram. None is also possible if there is no change in keyboard. Pay attention to these things in the code: How I use namedtuple to construct an InlineKeyboardMarkup and an InlineKeyboardButton object; telepot. We can remove the displayed keyboard by sending another message and by passing ReplyKeyboardRemove object with it. org for demonstration purposes Regex (USING_KEYBOARD)) 133) 134 135 # register callback handler for inline keyboard button 136 application. 12 Send /start to initiate the conversation. LoginUrl, optional) – An HTTP URL used to automatically authorize the user. Actually i'm stuck in programming the python telegram bot; her's my problem: inside the bot's chat the user is Feb 12, 2024 · Conclusion: You have just expanded your Telegram bot to include text message handling and interactive buttons, making it far more engaging. Then, those functions are passed to 7 the Application and registered at their respective places. This way you can drastically simplify user interaction with Oct 22, 2019 · Also remove those, since they are used to map commands to functions, which the python-telegram-bot does e. ext import re from random import randint import logging logging. switch_inline_query_chosen_chat (telegram. INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # The API Key we received for our bot API_KEY = "<INSERT_API_KEY_HERE>" # Create an updater object with our API Key updater = telegram. switch_inline_query (str, optional) – If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field. 141 application. "\\n" wont do. Message): await message A basic example for a bot that uses inline keyboards to send messages and handle callback queries. telegram. Adding extra button. Some buttons execute functions that are sensitive and I would like to ask the user's confirmation before proceeding. It'll have a better ui also, in this way. Sample bots @youtube – Shows a ‘Sign in to YouTube’ button, then suggests personalized results. Aug 5, 2016 · How to use inline_keyboard instead of keyboard in Telegram bot (Python)? 0. 4 5 """ 6 Basic example for a bot that uses inline keyboards. str – Label text on the button. Update. 4 5 """ 6 Simple example of a Telegram WebApp which displays a color picker. 0. Deep Linking. Then, those functions are 9 passed to the Application and registered at their respective places. 13 Press Ctrl-C on the command line or send a Learn how to use inline keyboards for a Telegram bot with this Python code example. button_row (List[telegram. py ¶ A basic example of an inline bot. This is just scratching the surface of what’s possible Jun 12, 2020 · I am building a Telegram chatbot with python-telegram-bot package with inline keyboard that to link to the searching parts. See the code, documentation and license for this Python Telegram Bot module. replymarkup. A more complex example about inline keyboards, callback queries and message editing. Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. We will start with how python starts with the example, then follow through the code in the same way we expect updates from the user would go through it. Hey! In this video I show you how to make your own Telegram Bot Python with aiogram package. ; url (str) – HTTP or tg:// url to be opened when button is pressed. To use the telecram-calendar-keyboard you need to have python-telegram-bot installed first. This object represents an inline keyboard that appears right next to the message it belongs to. e. 16 """ 17 import logging 18 from html import escape 19 from uuid import uuid4 20 21 from telegram import InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, Update 22 from telegram. 11 Usage: 12 Example of a bot that uses inline keyboard that has multiple CallbackQueryHandlers arranged in a 13 ConversationHandler. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to build your first Telegram Bot. using the add_handler method, which you can see in the example bots like the mentioned echobot2. For example: We have an array of strings that we get from the database. send_message (chat_id = chat_id, text = text, reply_markup = keyboard ()) A simple structured keyboard. Mar 9, 2020 · I have a telegram bot that is set up and connected to my backend. 7 The static website for this website is hosted by the PTB team for your convenience. reply_text as used in start is just a shortcut for that method. ; resize_keyboard (bool, optional) – Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e. Web App bots can also be used inline – try typing @durgerkingbot in any chat. Custom keyboards. I am trying to create a bot that will allow me to modify a selected set of dictionary values and display the dictionary key and Usage: Example of a bot that uses inline keyboard that has multiple CallbackQueryHandlers arranged in a ConversationHandler. Let’s write a Python script which is going to implement the logic for specific currency exchange rates requests. ReplyMarkup. Here is an example of how to use the sendMessage method to send an image with an inline keyboard and Reply Markup. Example with pyTelegramBotAPI. 10 Then, the bot is started and runs until we press Ctrl-C on the command line. When you send it a message, it gives you an inline keyboard. add_handler (137 CallbackQueryHandler (deep_link_level_3_callback, pattern = KEYBOARD_CALLBACKDATA) 138) 139 140 # Make sure the deep-linking handlers occur *before* the normal /start handler. At most one of the optional fields must be used to switch_inline_query (str, optional) – If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field. ext. HTTP url to be opened when button is pressed. Something like this but with my code below (no need for more options) telegram. You must log-in as a regular bot in order to send keyboards (use the token from @BotFather). Sep 1, 2019 · How to set the inline keyboard in Telegram chatbot to other function in python-telegram-bot? Hot Network Questions Why did Resolve[] fail to verify a statement whose counter-example was proven to be nonexistant by FindInstance[]? Parameters: keyboard (List[List[str | telegram. data for first_level in query. index : 0, have first option index: 1 , have the second option in inline keyboard on this approach. Manual: Switch to PM. InlineKeyboardMarkup¶ class telegram. You need to use these two things: switch_inline_query (str, optional) – If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field. Location-based results. Jul 17, 2023 · If you want to attach buttons to the message sent in send, you can just use the corresponding parameter of send_message for that. A simple, but extensible Python Telegram bot, can post acquainted with what is happening today, tomorrow or what happened 20 years ago to channel. switch_inline_query [source] ¶. Even if it is not your approach for learning, please take a look at echobot. This example showcases how an interactive menu could be build using inline keyboards. Defaults to False, in which case the custom keyboard is always of the same height as the app’s standard keyboard. Suppose my project structure looks like this: Sep 1, 2022 · Ok, so thanks also to the help of CallMeStag I have come to a solution to this problem, and it involves using the context. Type: bool Bots can attach a ReplyMarkup constructor to outgoing messages, to attach an inline keyboard or a custom reply keyboard: replyKeyboardMarkup - Sends a custom reply keyboard. ReplyKeyboardRemove (selective = False, ** _kwargs) ¶ Bases: telegram. str – Optional. It reads the API token from the f Can be used as a replacement for the Telegram Login Widget. InlineKeyboardButton¶ class telegram. The telebot. file 'main': from config import BOT_TOKEN import logging from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types import keyboards as kb bot = Bot(token=BOT_TOKEN) dp = Dispatcher(bot) #some code @dp. Condition number of buttons per line: &lt;=3. callback_data¶. 4 5 """Simple inline keyboard bot with multiple CallbackQueryHandlers. This function groups two buttons in one line and Mar 4, 2020 · I would like to know how to change the text when clicked button attached to it (Inline keyboards). BaseHandler. When users choose the &quot;enter password&quot; option I send an inline keyboard next to the request so that the user can enter his Sep 30, 2021 · In this tutorial, I show a step by step coding tutorial of creating a telegram bot with python:- Reply Keyboard- Inline Keyboard- Send online requests- Handl Sep 10, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand A more complex example about inline keyboards, callback queries and message editing. And if you want to access some value from this function then you have to put value in global variable. 1 - menu that update itself when a button is clicked and remove that button. message. date object if user finished selecting. Inline bots can request location data from their users. By default, custom keyboards are displayed until a new keyboard is sent by a bot. py . Bases: telegram. Parameters. TelegramObject. Oct 11, 2021 · I need help creating those two menu. If you need to create a keyboard with a predefined structure, do the following: telegram. SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat, optional) – If set, pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats of the specified type, open that chat and insert the bot’s username and the specified inline query in the input field. Nov 24, 2016 · How to set the inline keyboard in Telegram chatbot to other function in python-telegram-bot? 0 Press button of telegram bot keyboard but do not send out the message See https://core. since the Inline Keyboard is just a different json object, I'd say you only have to build it with json. dumps instead of your current build. 2 - menu that have next previous button. Examples of inline bots include @gif, @bing and @wiki. org/bots/api#callbackquery 71 await query. make method. Mar 15, 2018 · I want to create a InlineKeyboardButton for Telegram in python like below function but I want to do it dynamically. Tapping any of the buttons will immediately send the respective command. a HTML file with the necessary JS included. Code info: /key is the only command it understands. Apr 30, 2022 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. You can pass function to Keyboard. data key:. Jul 2, 2018 · I work with python-telegram-bot and try to build a system of nested menus as BotFather bot does. Jun 4, 2021 · I need to write a function that creates an inline-keyboard. inlinebot. If you already know your way around some of the basic steps, you can jump directly to the part you're missing. I want to generate photos locally and send them as inline results but InlineQueryResultPhoto accepts only photo URLs. Once done, you can use an inline keyboard with a switch_inline_query button to send the user back to the original chat. Read the documentation of the re module for more information. BaseHandler class to handle Telegram updates that contain a telegram. Apr 6, 2018 · You can't use the normal keyboard buttons like this. Provide easy way for create number pagination with inline keyboard for telegram bot on python. For example, when the user presses the cancel button, they will automatically send a /cancel command that will then be processed by the bot. In this tutorial I will teach you how to create inline keyboards using Pyrogram. If the button that originated the query was attached to a message sent by the bot, the field message will be present. Nov 18, 2020 · Loop all inline_keyboards in the original message and search for the right query. Jun 6, 2021 · I just had a hard time trying to get it to work on my API and I've found the problem. See the steps, code examples, and screenshots of the bot interaction with inline keyboard buttons. stringify() the contents of reply_markup that converts the keyboard object and contents into a string first. Python-telegram-bot How to send InlineKeyboard via url. See how to create buttons, reply to messages, and handle callback queries. Equivalent examples are available in C#, Python, Go and TypeScript. replyKeyboardHide - Hides the custom reply keyboard. deeplinking. Better inline UI May 2, 2024 · To send an image with an inline keyboard and caption using the Telegram Bot API in Python, you can use the sendMessage method. python-telegram-bot-pagination. from the python-telegram-bot package to make an In Telegram bot you can send a message with the reply keyboard using the sendMessage method. KeyboardButton]] resize_keyboard [source] ¶ Optional. result - datetime. For example : Oct 24, 2017 · my button text is too long to fit in one line of my inline keyboard for the python telegram bot. Whenever your bot sends a message, it can pass along a special keyboard with predefined reply options. ; login_url (telegram. Apr 8, 2022 · kd_layout this variable to add inline keyboard called send generate meme to make another inline keyboard you can make array like 2D array in python. import telegram import telegram. That file can probably be hosted on python-telegram-bot. Otherwise None; step - YEAR, MONTH, or DAY if not ready. firstmenu. InlineKeyboardMarkup (inline_keyboard, ** _kwargs) ¶ Bases: telegram. py ¶ A basic example on how to use deeplinking with inline keyboards. Hey there, TeLe TiPs here. utils. Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit (e. Nov 4, 2022 · I’m using the boilerplate approach from python-telegram one in this tutorial: Inline or Menu button in this tutorial, they are more complex) Keyboard button Web-Apps — these The function process return tuple of size 3 - result, keyboard, step. Following your example, something like this should make the trick: Learn how to create and use InlineKeyboardButton objects in Python for Telegram bots. rsllu gjeedc wwqqd wbazn gng veycjz wpnwf qamjnf wmrq lnak